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APT Sound Testing offers low cost UKAS accredited Sound Insulation Testing and Air Tightness Testing service throughout England and Wales. We supply our clients with a friendly and proactive one stop solution for all their precompletion testing requirements, consisting of our acoustic and air tightness design service as well as carrying out ‘in-house’ air, sound & domestic ventilation testing in one seamless package. We also offer BS 8233 noise surveys to satisfy planning. APT Sound Testing is a UKAS accredited company with offices throughout the UK. Many companies use us for all their London Testing as we also have an office in central London. We currently undertake the following pre-completion testing and design services: 1. Air tightness testing for residential and commercial buildings. 2. Sound insulation testing for residential and commercial buildings. 3. Ventilation Testing for all new dwellings 4. Acoustic Design Consultancy to ensure you passes your precompletion sound testing. 5. Energy performance SAP & SBEM Assessments. 6. Planning noise surveys for BS8233 & BS4142. 7. BREEAM Thermal Surveys. 8. Room integrity testing on server rooms. 9. Clean Room Testing. 10. Air quality assessments for planning. If your project requires any of the above services, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
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View PostWhen it’s come’s to construction and or refurbishment it’s difficult to keep track of all that work going on around you, in between trying to hold down a full time job especially if you have children. When the builders start smashing and building daily how do you keep up with it all? You could argue that the builder has your plan and he knows what he’s doing and I’ll leave him to it. But does he truly understand the vision running around in your mind?
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